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We work with NFFC to grow the only thing that will ever affect the Farm Bill and achieve greater equity in agriculture and society at large (’cause the revolution won’t be legislated) – our collective solidarity.
NFFC Holiday Wishes and Offerings 2021
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season, and urge you to check out the offerings from our members below if you’re buying gifts this year.
Circling back on late 2021
Thankfully, there were some positive results from our efforts so far this year, from bills introduced by congressional allies to NFFC’s launch of our long-awaited new dairy pricing proposal.
NFFC Supports John Deere Workers
Whether it is keeping wages and benefits for workers or forcing farmers into binding service contracts for their exorbitantly priced machinery—it all comes down to corporate control over working people.
Youth Update Media at NFFC
Photos and other media can teach and inspire people in all aspects of the food chain to engage in changing our food system.
NFFC is hopeful about executive order ‘promoting competition’
“We’re hopeful that President Biden’s executive order on competition is helpful, but we farmers have been disappointed before.”
Debt Relief for Farmers of Color Act recognizes struggle, can help America work for all
The Reverend Jesse Jackson said, “…together we are the new majority, we have the power to make America America for all Americans.” The Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act begins that process by recognizing their struggle.
The work and commitment required to bring about racial equity and justice for all, including everyone in the farm-fishery-food system, was and is still our struggle.
Justice cannot be piecemeal: a personal introduction to the NFFC
There is a false dichotomy between the interests of farmers and farmworkers: both have seen their incomes and safety decreased while processing plants, distributors, supermarkets, and food corporations disproportionately increased their utilities.
A tribute to the late Donna Hall
Donna was a philosopher with more knowledge of dairy farmers’ problems and their potential solutions than most people would ever think about.
Corporate Farmland Ownership, Land Grabs, and the Vermont Pension Investment Committee
As a group with national and global focus, it is our goal to learn what we can in order to prevent more State pension investment committees and other actors from investing in corporate farmland.