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Recognizing Rights of Women, Girls and LGBTQI+ at the UN
To achieve a fair and equal society, we must center the alternative model of consumption and production that ensures the rights of women and LGBTQI+ people, recognize their central role and its founding on agroecology and the food sovereignty paradigm.
Division reigns among governments in UN Committee on World Food Security
With its narrow focus on finance and corporate-owned products and technologies, the Summit’s outcomes will exacerbate inequality, debt, dispossession and extraction, especially in the global south, and further undermine the small-scale food provision on which most people worldwide depend.
The UN is holding a summit…Why are so many people upset about it?
Farmers, ecologists, academics—and even some of the UN’s own food policy experts—say the organization is favoring corporate interests over human welfare.
NFFC Statement to USDA on UNFSS 2021
We need a global food system that reflects our democratic values; the current UN Food System Summit was not planned to be inclusive.
NFFC at UN for sustainable food, farmer rights
NFFC’s focus on this international food and agriculture policy front builds on the UN North American policy consultation we attended last fall and as the fragility of corporate value chains and exploitative agribusiness models are exposed through the COVID-19 global pandemic.
NFFC at the UN Committee on World Food Security
We live in a complex and globalized world, and family farmers need a voice on the international stage that speaks truth to the corporate power that is undermining our livelihoods.
Statement in Support of the UN Committee on World Food Security, Agroecology and Small-Scale Food Producers & Against US Obstructionism
A transition to agroecology is necessary to ensure an environmentally sustainable and prosperous future, and we urge the US government to support this process within the CFS.