In light of the current credit crisis and discrimination faced by family farmers of all races, genders and marital status, USDA must implement moratoriums on farm loan accelerations and foreclosures.
Farmers & Farm Organizations Urge EPA & USDA to Address Threat from Dicamba Pesticide Drift
As members of Congress return to Capitol Hill today, 85 farm and farmer support organizations sent letters to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) urging them to better protect farm families from an unprecedented spike in crop loss from herbicide drift. Experts estimate that dicamba, used on Monsanto’s latest seed line, has already damaged at least 3.1 million acres of farmland, an area the size of Connecticut.
Farm and Food Groups Say Bayer-Monsanto Merger Will Create Vegetable Seed Monopoly
The proposed deal would join the world’s largest and fourth largest vegetable seed companies, further tightening the stranglehold of the already concentrated vegetable seed industry.
Letter to USTR in Response to Query
The lack of supply management and other skewed policies are destroying US dairy farmers.
NFFC & Rural Coalition Outline NAFTA Concerns to USTR
NAFTA should be replaced with an agreement that encourages and ensures environmental sustainability, economic viability and longevity for the people growing and harvesting our food, as well as their communities, in all three NAFTA countries.
NFFC Supports Interim Final Rule for Livestock Growers
NFFC urges you to allow the Interim Final Rule (IFR) to become effective immediately. The Fair Farmer Practices Rules will protect family farmers and ranchers from abusive and anti-competitive practices, but their implementation has been delayed again and again. It is time for family farmers and ranchers to receive these very basic protections for which they have waited far too long while meatpackers and processors consolidate and exert even more power over their livelihoods as well as our food system.
NFFC and Allies Reject NAFTA to USTR
NAFTA should be replaced with a different agreement with the goal of increasing living standards in all three countries. Any provisions related to agriculture must start from a goal of rebuilding farm and food systems to support fair and sustainable rural economies and food supplies.
Groups Seek Attention to Mergers in DOJ Hearing
We are a group of 137 farmer, consumer, and environmental groups deeply concerned about growing concentration in the agricultural products sector and, in particular, about the proposed merger of Monsanto Company and Bayer AG.
NFFC and Allies Oppose Coordinated Framework Process in Letter and Press Release
The undersigned farmer and public interest organizations are writing to express our deep disappointment with both the stated goals and the public engagement process led by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) regarding the proposed modernization of federal regulation of biotechnology known as the Coordinated Framework.
Farm, Faith and Rural Groups Oppose TPP to Congress
The undersigned 161 farm, food, rural and faith groups urge you to reject the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement.
Sustainable Agriculture, Faith and Rural Organizations Express Opposition to TPP
We write to you as development, faith-based and sustainable agriculture organizations concerned about the potential impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on food security and sustainable development in the member countries and around the world. Many of us work closely with partners in developing countries and have witnessed the devastating impacts of previous free trade agreements on small-scale farmers and their communities. We urge you to reject the TPP.
NFFC Fights for 2501 Program in Letter to President Obama
NFFC joined over 110 organizations in a letter to President Obama to restore funding for socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in FY 2017.