And on Earth, Peace, Good Will Toward Men?

Jim GoodmanBlog

Hal Borland summarized Christmas by saying “What we celebrate is the birth of a child into a time of dissension and oppression and a world of cruelty and suspicion, one who grew up to teach peace and justice and love of fellow man. It was as simple as that”.

Truth In Labeling — It’s Our Right to Know What’s In Our Food

Jim GoodmanBlog

If GMO’s are so good and so safe, why do we need laws to hide them from scrutiny? But as Bill Maher points out, “When consumers know things, they tend to make informed choices, and that could affect corporate profits. I’m sorry, but your right to know is always going to be outweighed by their right to hide it from you.”

April 17 Protest in Brussels

Jim GoodmanBlog

In honor of 19 landless peasant farmers massacred in Brazil in 1996 we celebrate resistance, solidarity and this year mobilize against Transnational Corporations and Free Trade Agreements.

Has Glyphosate Met Its Waterloo?

Jim GoodmanBlog

And no, organic farmers can’t use Roundup®, but if I could why would I want to? It is, after all, a poison, its active ingredient, glyphosate, is a poison, as are some of its “inert” ingredients.