How the Myth of Bioenergy Exploits Rural Communities and Harms Forests, Farmland, and the Climate
NFFC’s December 2017 Newsletter
Dedicated to the memory of Katherine Ozer, we offer this newsletter in appreciation to our members and to others committed to a just farm and food system.
Press Statement on the Assassination of Berta Cáceres, Call to Action
We support the rightful demands of COPINH and of all Indigenous communities to protect and defend their lands and to prevent unwanted megaprojects in their territory, starting with the Agua Zarca dam project on the sacred Gualcarque River.
The Federation of Southern Cooperatives and OFRANEH Share 2015 Food Sovereignty Prize!
Black US Farmers, Honduran Afro-Indigenous Share Food Sovereignty Prize.
Fall 2013 Newsletter
Check out our latest Newsletter!
Growing Food and Justice Initiative Debrief
Immediately after the Food Sovereignty Prize, Rachel flew to Taos, New Mexico to represent NFFC and USFSA at the Growing Food and Justice Initiative Gathering. She attended the Intensive Leadership Facilitation Training as well as the main conference to join the conversation about racism and structural inequality in our food system.
Land Monitor – Help us document land grabs!
Land Monitor – Help us document land grabs! Are you a family farmer or ally? Check out NFFC’s new Farmland Monitor website, a farmer-powered hub for information on investments practices that are undermining family farmers’ ability to stay on their land.
TIAA-CREF and land grabs
TIAA-CREF and land grabs – Pension funds and other institutional investors like TIAA-CREF are grabbing U.S. farmland.
U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis Criticizes New Global Harvest Initiative
September 22: U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis Criticizes Agribusiness-Backed Global Harvest Initative’s Failed Ideas to Feed the World
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