Producers across the country have been hit hard from COVID-19 – Relief for America’s Small Farmers Act and Local FARM Act of 2020 in the next aid package could help.
We Have Always Had the Solution to Crises Like COVID-19
NFFC has always worked with family farmers to advocate for policies that support healthy, sustainable communities and prevent crises like COVID-19.
On April 14 tell Congress: LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND
On April 14, let your Members of Congress know that no one in the food system should be left behind, especially during this health and economic crisis.
USMCA: A Bad Deal for Farmers
The disappointing results for farmers, rural communities, and working families throughout North America remind us that massive trade agreements should not be negotiated behind closed doors but negotiated openly with public input to ensure a fair deal for all.
Social Distancing and Connection
The pandemic will impact farmers, rural communities, and people who rely on food assistance in ways that are only beginning to emerge, while also making many people slow down and appreciate the close community and resources they have around them.
National Conference Lifts Up Heirs Property Issues
Since the Civil Rights Movement, heirs property and partition sales have led to the loss of over 2 million acres of Black owned land in the South, but changes in the 2018 Farm Bill offer a path and alternative forms of documentation to access USDA programs and resources for families with land in heir property status.
Carbon Markets and Agriculture Don’t Mix
Carbon markets place a monetary value on soil carbon sequestration while ignoring the environmental benefits that a system based on agroecology, economic parity, and social equity creates.
NFFC at the UN Committee on World Food Security
We live in a complex and globalized world, and family farmers need a voice on the international stage that speaks truth to the corporate power that is undermining our livelihoods.
End-of-Year Appeal for NFFC Support: Because Someone Has To
We are tired of seeing peoples’ livelihoods, the land, and our food systems minimized and destroyed. Family farmers are not only essential to a healthy and just food system, but they are also a major part of the solution to climate change.
Twenty Years Later the “Spirit of Seattle” Lives On!
The mutual enemy that brought so many family farmers, farm/food workers, fisher folk, and indigenous activists to the Battle of Seattle was industrial agribusiness and neoliberal capitalism.
NOFA: Spreading Soil Health Practices, Keeping Fairness in Organic
For many organic farmers, care for the land goes hand in hand with a commitment to social justice.
Mini America-the-Bountiful Tour Along the Gulf of Mexico
After touring MAC farmers and fishermen near the Gulf, they visited the Provosts who are fighting to keep their sugar cane farm, one of the few such farms now owned by a Black family in Louisiana.