Stories of hope from Missouri to Montana


It’s easy to feel discouraged when listening to stories defining the problems facing farmers and ranchers across the midwest and northern plains. Everyone, it seems, is fighting some sort of behemoth – Smithfield, Monsanto, Walmart, oil and gas corporations, water shortages, shamefully beholden politicians, low farmgate prices, rising land prices, feelings of isolation, pesticide drift, long-gone infrastructure, soil infertility, or high energy costs.

House Farm Bill Passes, Will Fail Rural America


National Family Farm Coalition is extremely disappointed in the passage of the House farm bill yesterday. This draconian measure does little to help family farmers, while proposing punitive work requirements for recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), making detrimental changes to conservation, and cutting funding for important programs that support local food systems. At a moment when farm income is projected at a 12-year low and dairy farmers are going out of business by the week, Congress must provide real solutions for struggling farmers, not play politics with the future of rural America.