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NFFC Comments on Farm Bill Implementation
Comments on USDA’s implementation of important programs in the 2018 farm bill, including those to support minority farmers, local food systems, credit access, federal investment in ag research, keeping important research agencies in Washington, DC, and more.
Small Gains, Big Disappointments in Status Quo Farm Bill
National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) applauds the rejection of punitive work requirements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the inclusion of several “small but mighty” provisions in the final text of the farm bill released today, including measures developed by NFFC to improve credit access. However, NFFC does not support the overall status quo direction of the bill, which does not go far enough to improve the lives and livelihoods of family farmers and rural communities.
Current Farm Policy Direction Hurts Family Farmers
As the farm bill conference committee attempts to finalize the bill before the end of the current Congress, the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) urges the federal government to focus more on policy to support family farmers and rural communities, and less on stripping benefits from vulnerable populations. According to reports, farm bill negotiations have considered draconian work requirements for SNAP recipients and harmful changes to forest management policies, while not addressing fair compensation for producers or the ongoing corporate concentration that is hollowing out rural areas.
Family Farmers Urge New Direction for Farm Bill
National coalition praises details, criticizes big picture as conference committee begins deliberations.
Letter to 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee
Neither the House or Senate version of the farm bill goes nearly far enough to truly improve the lives and livelihoods of family farmers and rural communities.
House Farm Bill Passes, Will Fail Rural America
National Family Farm Coalition is extremely disappointed in the passage of the House farm bill yesterday. This draconian measure does little to help family farmers, while proposing punitive work requirements for recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), making detrimental changes to conservation, and cutting funding for important programs that support local food systems. At a moment when farm income is projected at a 12-year low and dairy farmers are going out of business by the week, Congress must provide real solutions for struggling farmers, not play politics with the future of rural America.
Diverse Rural Farmer and Community Groups Praise Bipartisan Senate Agriculture Committee Farm Bill
A joint statement by NFFC and Rural Coalition on the Senate farm bill.
These principles have been drafted as the basis for returning equity, diversity, and sustainability to the food and agriculture system, overall, and to food producers of all kinds, in particular.
Over 200 Groups Urge Congress to Level the Playing Field for Farmers, Workers and Consumers
Today, a broad-based coalition of 210 farm, rural, worker and consumer advocacy organizations released principles for a fairer farm bill that would address the lack of competition in every link in the food chain. The groups point out that growing consolidation in the agribusiness, food processing and supermarket industries lowers prices for farmers and wages for farmworkers and other food chain workers, erodes rural economies, and raises prices while limiting choices for consumers. The letter calls on Congress to address the ongoing consolidation of these industries with policies that address unfair contracts for farmers, increase market transparency, reform USDA guaranteed loans and guarantee worker rights.
Kathy Ozer – A Fighter for Family Farmers With Integrity, Knowledge and Commitment passed away
Almost everyone in the country involved with family farmer issues knew Kathy Ozer. We also knew that she had been sick for a while and thought she was getting better. On January 22, the cancer – non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – finally took her from us. She was 58 years old.
Opposition to anti-GIPSA rider letter to House Appropriations
One hundred sixty eight organizations across the country signed onto a letter asking the House Appropriations Committee to oppose policy riders that inhibit GIPSA’s regulation and implementation authority.