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Statement in Support of the UN Committee on World Food Security, Agroecology and Small-Scale Food Producers & Against US Obstructionism
A transition to agroecology is necessary to ensure an environmentally sustainable and prosperous future, and we urge the US government to support this process within the CFS.
Letter to Congress: Family Farmers Need Fair, Competitive Markets
To revitalize independent family farm agriculture, we need the federal government to restore competition to agriculture and ensure a level playing field for all farmers and ranchers.
Japan and U.S. Food and Farm Organizations Urge Halt to Trade Talks
As Japan and the United States embark on negotiations over agricultural markets, potentially paving the way for a free-trade agreement, we urge the complete halt of these negotiations that undermine the livelihoods of family farmers and the sovereignty of rural communities in our two countries.
NFFC Comments on Farm Bill Implementation
Comments on USDA’s implementation of important programs in the 2018 farm bill, including those to support minority farmers, local food systems, credit access, federal investment in ag research, keeping important research agencies in Washington, DC, and more.
NFFC Urges South Africa to Reject Dow 2,4-D Applications
The National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) submits the following comments to respectfully urge the government of South Africa to reject Dow AgroSciences’s applications for commercial release of three maize seed varieties genetically engineered to resist the pesticide 2,4-D.
NFFC Comments on Farm Bill Implementation, 2/26/19
These comments were submitted pursuant to a USDA public listening session on implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill. The session focused on changes in programs of the Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Risk Management Agency (RMA).
On behalf of NFFC’s 26 member organizations in 42 states, we urge USDA to consider the following provisions in the implementation of H.R. 2 (115)…
Administration Out of Touch with Farmers
The DOJ’s dismissal of numerous concerns about the merger of agribusiness giants Bayer and Monsanto demonstrates, once again, how out of touch the Trump Administration is with family farmers.
Letter to 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee
Neither the House or Senate version of the farm bill goes nearly far enough to truly improve the lives and livelihoods of family farmers and rural communities.
NFFC Requests DOJ Reconsider Monsanto-Bayer Approval
The National Family Farm Coalition is extremely disappointed that the US Department of Justice has approved the Monsanto-Bayer merger and kindly requests that you reconsider your decision. Representing approximately 70,000 family farmers and ranchers throughout the US, our members have raised fears since the merger was first announced in 2016, and several were among the majority (90-plus percent) of farmers who opposed the merger in a recent survey by Friends of the Earth US.
On Fair Trade – Ralph Paige, Trade Summits at the Conventions, 2004
Ralph Paige passed on June 28, 2018. We recall his words from 2004 advocating for a government that is accountable to its constituents, promotes food safety and food security, and enters trade arrangements that respect growers’ need for a fair price and their customers recognition of the value of their products.
Addressing America’s Dairy Crisis
NFFC today sent this letter to Congressional and USDA agriculture leadership urging immediate action on the dairy crisis.