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On the Virtual Road to Farm Aid
For over a decade, this time of year has marked the start of a road trip to Farm Aid. But as with just about every other gathering, that isn’t the case in 2020. No road trip with a van full of supplies, people, and seltzers! But there will be a Farm Aid! It’ll be virtual, and although I’m looking forward to this virtual Farm Aid Festival on September 26, I already miss all the hustle and bustle that has gone into getting ready for, being present at, and recovering from Farm Aid!
Dairy Farmer Relief Campaign to Launch at Farm Aid
The National Family Farm Coalition announces the launch of its “Fair Farm Prices Now!” campaign at Farm Aid 2019 on September 21 at the Alpine Valley Music Theater in East Troy, Wisconsin. The first demand of the campaign is emergency economic relief for dairy farmers to compensate for the unjustifiably low prices they have been paid for their milk for years. Core to NFFC’s mission is ensuring vibrant rural economies through fair prices and living wages for all in the food system.
Farm Aid and Dairy Farmers Meet USDA Officials in DC
Several dairy farmers and staff of various farm organizations met on September 15, Thursday in Washington with officials of the USDA in meetings and events organized by Farm Aid. Introducing the events was the Farm Aid Executive Director, Carolyn Mugar.