The Climate Stewardship Act is an important first step in addressing the climate crisis. However, it must be paired with policy changes that build the socio-economic resilience of family-scale farmers, ranchers, and fishers and their workers.
NFFC comments support Identifying Barriers at USDA Programs and Services
We strongly support initiatives that overcome a history of exploitation and white privilege, which are not only present in the Food System, but which can be historically traced in the nation’s agricultural foundation.
NFFC comments support proposed Origin of Organic Livestock Rule
The full implementation of proposed rules is a step in the right direction. “A nationwide supply management and parity pricing program” should complement the rule for a more equal, sustain, and healthy agricultural system.
Comments to APHIS on Notice of Intent to prepare EIS for GE Maize
The NFFC renews its opposition to nonregulated status of modified maize through genetic engineering (GE) to resist the herbicides dicamba, glufosinate, quizalofop, 2,4-D, and tissue-specific glyphosate tolerance. The U.S. Government should phase out these chemicals, not encourage or appease the agrochemical industry by allowing them to market their seeds.
Comments to USDA-ARS on Supply Chains for Agricultural Commodities and Food Products
USDA should shift from a narrow food and agriculture value/supply chains focus to a more holistic food systems approach that recognizes the interwoven social, environmental, and economic factors inherent in how we produce and consume food and govern food systems at land and at sea.
Letter to Congress endorses Relief for America’s Small Farmers Act 2021
Small family farmers are the backbone of our food system and rural economies, and need our support in this moment of unprecedented hardship.
NFFC Comments to USDA on GE Animals – May 7, 2021
GE products may prevent and treat some illnesses but we remain skeptical that they are environmentally safe, commercially fair, or ethically sound.
Letter to USTR and USDA on USMCA and Mexico
The fact that the U.S. continues to deregulate genetic engineering — in the face of evidence of harm to both workers and biodiversity from associated pesticide overuse15 does not justify imposing these policies on other countries under the guise of trade policy. While agribusiness trade groups may demand such policies (which certainly benefit global pesticide and seed companies), they do not benefit family farmers.
An open letter to TIAA stakeholders on claims of civil society engagement
It is especially noteworthy to us that TIAA’s illustration depicts the organizations working most closely with local communities, whose members are
most directly impacted by its land acquisitions, as being of least concern for their engagement. Governments should guarantee legitimate tenure rights in line with the Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGTs) agreed upon by the UN member states in the Committee on World Food Security, and TIAA should not undermine land rights or human rights as defined in the Guidelines.
Statement of Solidarity with India’s Farmers
The U.S. government must stop prioritizing the interests of agribusiness over small farmers, abetting further corporatization of the food system here and in other countries, including India.
Organizations urge U.S. to withdraw petition against Canadian dairy farmers
We are unified in our opposition to the U.S. government petition against Canada, and call on the Biden-Harris administration to rescind this action and to advance strong worker rights protection and dairy policy reform policy in the U.S.
UN Food System Summit Dialogue events rekindle concerns
From its onset the 2021 UN Food System Summit has been led by interests affiliated to agrochemical corporations and economic forces that do not serve the interests of people and the planet.