We strongly support initiatives that overcome a history of exploitation and white privilege, which are not only present in the Food System, but which can be historically traced in the nation’s agricultural foundation.
Comments to USDA-ARS on Supply Chains for Agricultural Commodities and Food Products
USDA should shift from a narrow food and agriculture value/supply chains focus to a more holistic food systems approach that recognizes the interwoven social, environmental, and economic factors inherent in how we produce and consume food and govern food systems at land and at sea.
NFFC Comments to USDA on GE Animals – May 7, 2021
GE products may prevent and treat some illnesses but we remain skeptical that they are environmentally safe, commercially fair, or ethically sound.
Organizations urge U.S. to withdraw petition against Canadian dairy farmers
We are unified in our opposition to the U.S. government petition against Canada, and call on the Biden-Harris administration to rescind this action and to advance strong worker rights protection and dairy policy reform policy in the U.S.
UN Food System Summit Dialogue events rekindle concerns
From its onset the 2021 UN Food System Summit has been led by interests affiliated to agrochemical corporations and economic forces that do not serve the interests of people and the planet.
Civil Society Organizations Demand US Promote Agroecology
The climate and financial crises farmers now face suggest that it’s time the US government practice sound public policy and do everything possible to promote agroecology as the best hope to address corporate concentration, protect the earth, provide for rural communities, and achieve food sovereignty.
It’s Time for the US Secretary of Agriculture to Apologize to American Family Dairy Farmers
I would strongly urge the Secretary to support reasonable dairy programs that would give all dairy farmers a chance to survive, and not force many more of them out of business.
NFFC Comments on Farm Bill Implementation
Comments on USDA’s implementation of important programs in the 2018 farm bill, including those to support minority farmers, local food systems, credit access, federal investment in ag research, keeping important research agencies in Washington, DC, and more.
NFFC Comments on Farm Bill Implementation, 2/26/19
These comments were submitted pursuant to a USDA public listening session on implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill. The session focused on changes in programs of the Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Risk Management Agency (RMA).
On behalf of NFFC’s 26 member organizations in 42 states, we urge USDA to consider the following provisions in the implementation of H.R. 2 (115)…
Government Shutdown Threatens Future of Rural America
The partial government shutdown, now in day 34, is compounding years of hardship from which rural communities may never recover.
On Fair Trade – Ralph Paige, Trade Summits at the Conventions, 2004
Ralph Paige passed on June 28, 2018. We recall his words from 2004 advocating for a government that is accountable to its constituents, promotes food safety and food security, and enters trade arrangements that respect growers’ need for a fair price and their customers recognition of the value of their products.