A dairy pricing proposal to benefit family-based dairies, their workers and communities, and consumers of all things dairy.
Retailers Want to Own Farmers – CAFOs Fill the Bill
But having the blessing of UDSA, CAFO’s continue to grow to the point that “About half of the organic milk sold in the U.S. is coming from very large factory farms that have no intention of living up to organic principles.” according to Mark Kastel, co-director of the nonprofit Cornucopia Institute.
Are Dairy Farmers Facing the Year 2009 Again?
With dairy farmers’ prices plummeting $9.50 per cwt. (hundred weight) from the high point of $26.16 in September 2014 down to the present level of $16.66, it makes one wonder if the net result will come close to the 2009 massacre.
NFFC Leader Arden Tewksbury: Federal Policies Hurt Dairy Operations
Whole-fat dairy products have kept farmer healthy, while federal policies have hurt dairy farmers, their related businesses and communities.
Supporting Dairy Farmers is Part of a Balanced Diet
Eat fat! That is the message delivered in new studies that suggest Americans have wrongfully avoided fat in their diets for decades. In an effort to deal with the growing epidemic of heart disease, scientists turned their focus to cutting fat from diets. Many of those studies failed to control for major heart disease contributors like smoking, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and obesity. Nonetheless, the war against fat had begun.