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NFFC comments support proposed Origin of Organic Livestock Rule
The full implementation of proposed rules is a step in the right direction. “A nationwide supply management and parity pricing program” should complement the rule for a more equal, sustain, and healthy agricultural system.
NFFC’s Comments to USDA on Proposed Undue Preference Rule
The proposed criteria are inadequate and vague, failing to address significant and harmful practices in the livestock industry that are both anti-competitive and detrimental to farmer livelihoods.
Japan and U.S. Food and Farm Organizations Urge Halt to Trade Talks
As Japan and the United States embark on negotiations over agricultural markets, potentially paving the way for a free-trade agreement, we urge the complete halt of these negotiations that undermine the livelihoods of family farmers and the sovereignty of rural communities in our two countries.
GIPSA Defends Meatpackers and Poultry Companies, Not Family Farmers
If there was any hope that Secretary Perdue and this administration would stand up for small- and medium-sized family farmers and the rural communities they support, that has been dashed now.
Joint Letter to USDA Requesting Captive Supply Rulemaking – February 1, 2011
Based on testimonies and information gathered during the 2010 competition workshops, 85 organizations confirm the urgent need for USDA-GIPSA to exercise its preexisting authority under the Packers and Stockyards Act to address a disastrous loss of competition.
Joint Letter to House Agriculture Committee Supporting USDA-GIPSA Proposed Rule – July 23, 2010
We urge all Members of the House Agriculture Committee and the Congress as a whole to protect a just, transparent, and robustly competitive marketplace for livestock and poultry producers and the rural communities they support. The USDA-GIPSA rulemaking process is critical to the achievement of that goal.