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NFFC-IATP Comments on US-Kenya Free Trade Agreement
A U.S. and Kenya agreement should establish the highest possible public health, food security, environmental and labor standards for sustainable and equitable development in both countries.
NFFC Stands in Solidarity with MST – Landless Workers Movement of Brazil
NFFC stands with the MST and others around the globe fighting for basic human rights – access to land, seeds, water, housing, healthcare, education, and food.
In Solidarity for Racial Equity and Justice
We have a collective responsibility to address these systemic injustices with deep roots in our food and agriculture system, and to forge a new world of true equity and inclusion for all.
April 17: #StayHomeButNotSilent
Just as the 19 landless peasants in Brazil who died in 1996 demanding agrarian reform and other attributes of Food Sovereignty, we must continue to honor their struggle to create a just and equitable food system.
NFFC’s Comments to USDA on Proposed Undue Preference Rule
The proposed criteria are inadequate and vague, failing to address significant and harmful practices in the livestock industry that are both anti-competitive and detrimental to farmer livelihoods.
The People Providing Our Food Are Essential; We Must Treat Them That Way
Similar to the healthcare system, our food system has been radically underfunded and under prioritized, with corporations and profitization driving decision-making, but a new stimulus package focused on racial and economic equity could help to address that.
NFFC Stands in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en First Nation Against Pipeline
Our history of exploitation, violence, and marginalization is not relegated to history books but manifests itself to this day in determining property rights, access to public services, and how systemic racism is or is not addressed.
Organizations Urge SD Senators to Amend US Beef Integrity Act, S2744
Organizations urge Senators Thune and Rounds (SD) to amend S.2744, The U.S. Beef Integrity Act, to correct the current misuse of the “Product of USA” label on imported beef products within a comprehensive mandatory COOL bill.
Sustainable Food and Agriculture Groups Urge Congress to reject USMCA
The new USMCA takes a step back in other areas, reading like a de-regulatory wish list for global agribusiness firms operating in all three countries.
NFFC Attends Kickoff for UN Decade for Family Farming
We would like to emphasize the importance of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and other people working in rural areas, which should be the source of inspiration for future policy convergence processes here in the CFS, and for the public policy process related to this Decade.