WTO Meeting Presents Opportunity to Challenge Corporate Control Over Food Supply

NFFCNFFC In the News

June 12, 2022, Anthony Pahnke (vice president of NFFC member organization Family Farm Defenders and Assistant Professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University in CA) published this article at Truthout.org.

In part:

“What to do with our crisis-prone food system will be one of the topics broached at the upcoming Ministerial Conference of the WTO that will take place from June 12 to 15 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Food, farm and peasant movements, specifically those in the international coalition, La Via Campesina (LVC), plan to protest the meeting to denounce such free trade policies and demand change.

… potential alternatives to the WTO vision of agriculture, as well as its DSM enforcement mechanism, include the demand for parity — the New Deal-era set of policies that sought to place farmers’ incomes on par with what workers in urban areas receive. In clear defiance to the WTO and its boxes, organizations such as the National Family Farm Coalition see parity policies as a means to curtail corporate consolidation and protect the environment. Central to this demand is for governments to provide a space for farmers, workers and processors to negotiate food production and distribution in long-term, sustainable ways.”