This week, we cosigned two letters address to the Farm Bill Conferees. One is on the Farm Bill in total and one is specifically on GIPSA. Please read them below.
We Need A Full and Fair Farm Bill Now!
Amidst discussion of the potential government shutdown, the Farm Bill extension from 2012 is set to expire October 1st.
Letter to Sec. Vilsack about COOL
Please read our sign-on letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack about COOL.
Socially Disadvantaged Farmers
Letter to House and Senate Agriculture Committees urging support for programs important to beginning and minority farmers. This was sent to help influence their deliberations that are being submitted to the Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (10.25.11)
Joint Letter to Governments, UN Bodies and International Financial Institutions re: International Call for a Coordinated Approach to Food Reserves (06.01.10)
National Animal Identification System
38 organizations ask OMB to return the Animal Disease Traceability final rule to the USDA for more thorough review (07.10.12) of its disproportionate impact on small farmers and the associated businesses, such as sale barns and veterinarians.
Health Care
NFFC wrote Nancy Pelosi a letter urging her to vote for passage of H.R. 3962 – America’s Affordable Health Choices Act – as it makes it way to the floor of the House of Representatives this weekend.
NFFC joins 140 state and national farm and livestock organizations in letters to the House and Senate committee members backing the GIPSA rule.
Food Sovereignty
Letter to Leadership of the Congressional Agriculture Committees to express our strong support for Congress to complete the reauthorization of the farm bill in 2012. (02.14.12)
Food Speculation
Joint Letter to Urge President Obama to Curb Food Speculation to Fight Global Hunger Crisis (03.24.09)
Food Safety
NFFC joined the Center for Food Safety and other allies to oppose proposed changes to the oversight of genetically engineered (GE) crops in Sections 10011-10014 of the House Agriculture Committee’s discussion draft of the 2012 Farm Bill. An earlier letter was sent to Chairman Lucas and Ranking Member Collin Peterson opposing the riders; the most recent version has been signed by 44 organizations and businesses. (7.10.12)
Organizations, business’, and individuals urge Members of Congress to support a Farm Bill including a better solution to the crisis facing dairy farmers.