Support the LOCAL Foods Act and Protect On-Farm Slaughter!


On-farm slaughter is a practical, humane, and cost-efficient practice that livestock farmers and the communities they feed have relied on for generations. This traditional practice is under threat due to outdated language within the Federal Meat Inspection Act.

The Livestock Owned by Communities to Advance Local (LOCAL) Foods Act (S. 5106) offers a simple fix! It will update the personal-use exemption in the Federal Meat Inspection Act to align with current USDA standards that dozens of states already rely upon. It will clarify that on-farm slaughter of animals that a person owns, in whole or in part, is legal. It will protect the rights of livestock owners, producers, and itinerant slaughterers. It will preserve accessibility and affordability of locally produced bulk meat. It will build more sovereign and secure communities for generations to come.

Take Action By:

  1. Calling your Members of Congress in support of the LOCAL Foods Act! Find their contact information here -  calling is the most impactful way to be heard.

  2. Customizing our action alert email to send directly to your legislators!

  3. Sharing our petition and action alert and reach out to livestock farmers and anyone with interest in accessing local meat in bulk from across the country.

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Sign the Petition Here!