Coexistence with GMOs – Stephen Tolpinrud


Stephen Tolpinrud just completed his graduate studies in the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC. For the 2014-15 school year he was enrolled in a practicum overseen by Prof. Garrett Graddy-Lovelace that involved the National Family Farm Coalition and Rural Coalition/Coalición Rural. After several months of research on GMOs and their effects on family farmers and ranchers who have been historically discriminated against by USDA, Stephen joined other practicum students on a packed four-day educational trip to Mississippi with NFFC president, Ben Burkett.

We are very pleased to post Stephen’s final essay here (Final.May2015.Tolpinrud.Coexistence) and grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him and fellow students through Dr. Graddy-Lovelace’s program.