The USDA must finalize, implement, and enforce strong rules to protect the rights of poultry growers, improve competition and transparency, and firmly address exploitative practices in the poultry industry.
Comments on Fairness in Poultry Grower Contracting and Tournaments
The USDA must finalize, implement, and enforce strong rules to protect the rights of poultry growers, improve competition and transparency, and firmly address exploitative practices in the poultry industry.
Comments on Transparency in Poultry Grower Contracting and Tournaments
The USDA must finalize, implement, and enforce strong rules to protect the rights of poultry growers, improve competition and transparency, and firmly address exploitative practices in the poultry industry.
Spending Bill Will Limit Livestock Emissions Regulation
The political clout of corporate agribusiness overrides EPA’s regulation of GHG emissions, harming humans and the environment in many ways.
Groups Demand EPA Regulation of Factory Farm Pollution
The EPA has been blocked from using funds to implement its greenhouse gas reporting rule for animal feeding operations, also known as factory farms, manure management and other livestock operations. Thus, the coalition says, the agency is not able to carry out any regulations or require permits under Title V of the Clean Air Act.