Dairy Farmers Press for Emergency Action
DAIRY FARMERS PRESS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION (02.26.10) – America’s dairy farmers confront economic ruin as they face another year of 1970s prices for their milk. In the past year alone, thousands of dairy farmers have gone out of business and thousands more are on the brink of economic collapse as projections for 2010 show continued low ...
Concentration in Seed Industry – Less Choice, Higher Prices
Concentration in the Seed Industry Leads to Less Choice, Higher Prices for U.S. Farmers (12.09.09) – American farmers are feeling the effects of a concentrated seed industry. Seed options are diminishing while prices increase at historic rates. A new report, Out of hand: Farmers face the consequences of a consolidated seed industry, examines these troubling trends, substantiating ...
Obama’s Change Mandate in Question
As Climate Talks Begin, Obama’s Change Mandate in Question (12.03.09) With Copenhagen around the corner and failure of this week’s WTO negotiations, the Obama administration’s international agenda and leadership style are coming under scrutiny. The potential confirmation of controversial former pesticide lobbyist Islam Siddiqui as the U.S. trade representative for agriculture threatens to further undermine this ...
Siddiqui Fails to Answer for Record
Siddiqui Fails to Answer for Anti-Organic, Anti-Sustainable, Anti-Consumer Record (11.04.09) – NFFC and Pesticide Action Network North America expressed disappointment today with Islam Siddiqui’s testimony and answers during the Senate Finance Committee hearing on his nomination to become the next USTR Chief Agriculture Negotiator.
Thousands Unite Against Siddiqui Nomination
80+ Groups and 38,000 Individuals Unite Against Siddiqui Nomination (11.02.09) – In an unprecedented effort to block a USTR agriculture nominee, over 80 groups sent a letter today to Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member Charles Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee urging the rejection of Islam Siddiqui as Chief Agriculture Negotiator at the office of ...
Family Farmers Denounce Senate Ag Hearing
Family Farmers Denounce Senate Ag Hearing for Failure to Address Real Causes and Solutions to Dairy Crisis (10.27.09) – NFFC denounced today’s Senate Agriculture Subcommittee hearing on the dairy crisis for failing to spotlight the voices of real family dairy farmers and instead relying on the same corporate processors and giant dairy cooperatives who have created ...
Broad Coalition Decry Siddiqui Nomination
Broad Coalition Decry White House Defense of Pesticide Lobbyist Nomination (10.27.09) – Sustainable agriculture advocates from around the country today expressed deep disappointment with the Obama Administration’s defense of nominating Islam Siddiqui, a former pesticide lobbyist as our chief agriculture trade representative at the office of the United States Trade Representative.
NFFC Press Teleconference Urges Direct Payments
NFFC Press Teleconference Urges Direct Payments to Dairy Farmers (10.13.09) – NFFC held a press teleconference today to thank Congress for $350 million in emergency appropriations for dairy farmers. However, NFFC warned that unless a broken pricing system is replaced and antitrust measures are taken to address the lack of competitive markets for farmers’ milk, thousands ...
U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis Criticizes New Global Harvest Initiative
September 22: U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis Criticizes Agribusiness-Backed Global Harvest Initative’s Failed Ideas to Feed the World (09.22.09) – The U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis criticized the new Global Harvest Initiative, backed by Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland, John Deere and DuPont, for continuing to advocate a failed approach to feeding the ...
More Than 90 Groups Request Zero Funding for Animal ID Program
Over 90 Farm, Consumer and Other Groups Request Zero Funding for Animal ID Program (9.22.09) – Over 90 organizations representing conventional farmers and ranchers, organic farmers, property rights activists, and consumers have sent a letter to Senate and House conferees for the Agriculture Appropriations bill urging them to zero out funding for the National Animal Identification ...
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