Mad Cows, Fat Cats, and Chlorinated Chickens: NFFC protests TAFTA


This week has been a jam packed week here in DC. In addition to the Appropriations process and a few conferences (more on those later), the fifth round of negotiations for the EU-US trade deal (TAFTA, the TransAtlantic Free Trade Agreement, or TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) happened on the George Mason University School of Law campus.

What’s Happening to the Bees?


“Are Your Delicious, Healthy Almonds Killing Bees?” That is the question posed by Tom Philpott last week in Mother Jones. As the acreage in monocropped almonds in California has grown, so too has the reliance on “pollinator services”. Wild honeybees simply cannot pollinate the vast number of almond trees growing in California’s almond country anymore. This year between 15 and 25 percent of beehives in almond groves have experienced “severe” damage says the Pollinator Stewardship Council.

In The Spring—

Jim GoodmanBlog

“In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love”, or so Tennyson told us. But in the corn belt it seems, that rather than thoughts of love, the thoughts of many turn to crop protection chemicals, or in common language, herbicides and insecticides. Whether one is applying them to crops or hoping to avoid their toxic fumes and drift, pesticides will soon be in the air.

USFRA Promotes Agribusiness, Not Farmers


The USFRA was created in 2011 as a trade association uniting Big Ag corporations (such as Monsanto, Cargill and DuPont Pioneer) and marketing groups for commodities (including corn, soybeans, beef and pork). Take note: some of these groups are farmer-funded, but in reality, farmers have no choice but to fund them, and it is often at their own expense.

The Battle for the Capitol – Solidarity within the Food System


On April 28th, NFFC and Iowa CCI staff joined ROC United, National Domestic Workers Alliance, the National People’s Action, and the National Organization for Women to show Congress that we are fed up with them favoring corporations over people. The march timed to coincide with the National Restaurant Association’s annual lobby day. “The other NRA” has worked to block minimum minimum wage increases, paid sick day legislation, and kept the federal tipped minimum wage at $2.13 since 1991. The NRA also lobbied against sustainable farming practices, farm animal welfare rules, and efforts to label the nutritional quality of foods in restaurants.

Legislative Update from D.C.


USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack appeared before the House Agriculture Committee last week to discuss the state of the rural economy and field questions on the implementation of the Farm Bill.  Over the past few weeks USDA officials have appeared before the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to discuss USDA’s proposed budget for FY2015.  And as always, bills are being introduced on the Hill that would have real impacts on the lives of  farmers.  Here are some key highlights:

“Meat” the author: NFFC talks with Chris Leonard about his new book “The Meat Racket”


Our Meeting with Christopher Leonard and a discussion about his book, The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of America’s Food Business. Leonard, a former AP agribusiness reporter, discussed what he learned about the meat industry and the struggles of livestock growers in the business. It was an honor and a privilege to have this conversation with him over dinner, which included sustainably, family farm raised ham from Patchwork Family Farms and cheese from Cheddar Grove.

Down to Earth: Small Farm Issues In a Big Farm World


Students at Ball State University created this excellent short documentary on the state of small farms in the U.S., thanks in no small part to insights imparted by NFFC director Kathy Ozer. The film focused on the story of the Becker Family Farm and featured interviews with Kathy and other notable individuals, including Will Allen of Growing Power and Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN).