NFFC In the News


  • After 30 Years, the Small Business Administration Recognizes Farmers

    May 12, 2020

    By Lynne Curry, originally posted May 11, 2020, at Small-scale farmers are cautiously hopeful about this new funding source. They also worry it’s too little, too late.

  • SBA Allows Farmers to Apply for Economic Disaster Loans

    May 11, 2020

    By Lynne Curry, originally published May 11, 2020, at Small-scale farmers are cautiously hopeful about this new funding source. They also worry it’s too little, too late. Last week the federal Small Business Administration (SBA) opened an online portal exclusively for “agricultural enterprises” (read: farmers) to apply for a Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). For decades ...

  • Farm Groups urge USDA to Spend Coronavirus Money, Support Dairy Farmers

    April 16, 2020

    This article by Rick Barrett originally appeared on April 14, 2020, in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.  

  • NFFC, Allies Assert Role of Civil Society to UN Secretary General

    March 30, 2020

    Those Most Affected by Hunger, Malnutrition Must Shape UN Food Systems Summit Originally published March 24, 2020 at With the corporate world increasingly involved in UN decision-making, 550 CSOs, social movements and universities handover a letter to the UN Secretary General today asserting people’s role in the transformation of food systems. Corporations in the global industrial chain ...

  • Memo: Land Access for Beginning and Disadvantaged Farmers

    March 30, 2020

    This release was originally posted on March 30, 2020, at Lead Authors: Meleiza Figueroa and Leah Penniman Contributors: Mackenzie Feldman, Jordan Treakle, Anthony Pahnke, Adam Calo, Alastair Iles, and Johnny Bowman Executive Producers: Greg Carlock and Julian Brave NoiseCat In 1910, one in seven farmers were African-American and held titles to approximately 16-19 million acres of farmland. Over ...

  • Consolidation and Climate Change Threaten U.S. Fisheries

    March 5, 2020

    On February 10, 2020, NFFC director Niaz Dorry served on a panel titled, “Surf ‘n’ Turf: can our seafood survive Big Ag and climate change?”, hosted by FERN’s (Food and Environment Reporting Network) Leah Douglas. Niaz stated, “None of the fisherman we work with are against putting limits on how much fish you catch. It’s ...

  • Whether You call it USMCA or NAFTA, it’s Really just a Failed Farm Policy

    March 5, 2020

    Missouri Rural Crisis Center farmer, Darvin Bentlage, submitted an op-ed to the Columbia Missourian on February 3, 2020, that noted, among other important points: “Fifty family farm groups sent a letter asking for reinstatement of COOL, the best promotion tool for independent cattle producers and the best education for consumers. Some of these groups include National ...

  • Jury Awards Grower $265 Million in Damages from Drift of Monsanto’s Dicamba

    March 5, 2020

    At Nation of Change on February 18, 2020, Andrea Germanos stated: “Monsanto and BASF were found liable for negligent design of the products and negligent failure to warn regarding the products. The jury also found that the two companies created a joint venture to manufacture and sell dicamba-resistant seed and low-volatility herbicides, and that they ...

  • Dairy Farmers Facing Crisis as Milk Consumption, Prices Decline

    March 5, 2020

    In her February 6 posting, Brittany De Lea noted, “According to data from the National Family Farm Coalition, farmers are paid $1.45 on average per gallon of milk. It costs them $2 to produce that gallon. Prices have fallen nearly 40 percent over the past five years.”

  • Senator Sanders Stands with NFFC, Labor, and Climate Groups on USMCA Vote

    January 20, 2020

    In Jessica Corbett’s article posted January 16 at, the senator graciously stated: “And it is opposed by the National Family Farm Coalition, which believes it will lock in rules that have devastated family farms and expanded corporate control over agriculture in North America. I am proud to stand with these labor unions, environmental groups and ...

Our perspectives and voices of our members in selected national and local media in the last year.