NAFTA Needs To Be Replaced, Not Renegotiated

Jim GoodmanBlog

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) must be replaced with a transparent trade agreement that ensures farmers in all three nations—Canada, Mexico, and the United States—receive fair prices for their production, that consumers are guaranteed the right to know the content and origin of their food, and that strong environmental protections are put in place to protect the sustainability of rural communities.

Joint NFFC-RC-NLFRTA Release on TPP’s Demise

NFFCPress Room

Our organizations, representing diverse family farmers, ranchers and fishermen, farmworkers and rural communities, have worked diligently for many years to protect our communities from trade agreements written by corporate insiders seeking only corporate profits. With our counterparts in Mexico and Canada, we have witnessed and lived the devastating impacts of the North American Free Trade agreement on agriculture, workers, jobs and our environment.

Supporting Dairy Farmers is Part of a Balanced Diet


Eat fat! That is the message delivered in new studies that suggest Americans have wrongfully avoided fat in their diets for decades. In an effort to deal with the growing epidemic of heart disease, scientists turned their focus to cutting fat from diets. Many of those studies failed to control for major heart disease contributors like​ smoking, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and obesity. Nonetheless, the war against fat had begun.

Mad Cows, Fat Cats, and Chlorinated Chickens: NFFC protests TAFTA


This week has been a jam packed week here in DC. In addition to the Appropriations process and a few conferences (more on those later), the fifth round of negotiations for the EU-US trade deal (TAFTA, the TransAtlantic Free Trade Agreement, or TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) happened on the George Mason University School of Law campus.